
My paintings and drawings and once in a while a work that I like.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Rug, New Colors

After a long month since Leif came into my world, I was finally able to take some pictures this morning. I started this rug in the middle of October with a stock of new wool. I'm so ready to work with more colors and a litte more dynamic composition.

Here are a few close-ups and a couple of swatches of colors.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Leif Aaron
October 28, 2009
6 lbs. 8 oz.
19.5 inches

Friday, October 2, 2009

For Your Viewing Pleasure: New Rug Sketch

I am getting ready to start a second rug. I'm eager to try some new things and to use more color. Like a lot of my recent paintings, this rug will be very linear. And I really hope it won't take me 9 months to finish.

(I wish I had a scanner...or just a place to put a scanner so I could buy one.)

Pierson: "mom, I really like your paintings, but this one is kinda weird."
Me: "like good weird, or bad weird?"
Pierson: "ummmm, bad weird I guess."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

ISO: Lost Sketchbook

It's a sad sad day when you loose a sketch book. In the last couple of weeks I have been working out the design for a new rug. Last night when I sat down to play with the composition, I dug through my handbag and alas, no sketchbook. (Sadface).

Friday, September 18, 2009

Finished Rug...Well Almost

After a very long time working on this rug, I am glad to say that it is done. The edge needs to be finished, but I may save that for when I need to practice and learn the technique.
Since the rug design was simple I was able to learn some querks of different types of wool. I used two different "whites" in this rug, both bought off the bolt. The first wool (the dirtier looking of the two) frayed like crazy and was incredibly hard to work with, which is why this rug took so long to complete. When that fabric ran out I was glad to try something else with a little more substance and weight.

This is a close up to show the patterns created by the hooked rows. I think this is one of the things that first drew me to look at hooked rugs (click to enlarge).

And, the finished project. I already have something in mind for my next rug. This piece is my leaning piece and am ready to get it out of my face and make something a little more in line with my aesthetic and painting style. (Do I even have claim on that anymore?)

Non-rug news:
This summer we/I went to Pennsylvania, Las Vegas, Florida, Oklahoma and Boston (actually twice to Boston). Pierson started Nursery School this week and I'll probably be having a baby soon. Wowzers!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Checking in, or checking out...

I was hoping that this rug would be done by now, especially since I have a clearer sense of the hooking process and am ready to do something a little more innovative.
After using up the wool I had bought off the bolt, I went back to Mood and decided to find something with a different texture hoping that it would be easier to handle. The new fabric has speed up my process a million times and am glad I learned how to choose good wool so soon. And now, since Pierson is starting Nursery School in the fall, I will have a few free hours to scour Manhattan Thrift Stores for fabric to re-use.

I'm in Las Vegas for a week partying hard with my sisters and Pierson. I have to say that I miss the desert. Pierson saw a mountain and called it a giant pancake.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Coney Island Photo Booth

Unfortunately when we went to Coney Island on Friday we were a little underfunded. Between a glowing necklace and three tickets on the Wonder Wheel, we were left with just $3...enough for one photo booth session. (I could have sat through at least twenty frames.) The first picture is my favorite, that would be Pierson's very excited face.
Free CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree Counters

photo courtsey of Jamie Perkins

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About Me

Brooklyn, NY
I am a artist living in Brooklyn and currently an artist-in-residence with Chashama at the Brooklyn Army Terminal. I have been working in encaustic for the past few years, but am usually trying out a couple of different art making media at once. Peter Everett once called my work kitch, but I don't think it bothers me.