My paintings and drawings and once in a while a work that I like.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Maybe it's totally low-brow...

but those high-brow loosers haven't done much for me lately. I opened a little etsy shop. It seriously just started tonight, so there are only a few items listed, but more will be added in the next couple of days. Pass on the excitement.


Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

high brow, schmigh brow. i know, i became low brow the moment i left grad school and hit the real world. i'm trying to embrace it, you know? i'm going to look at your etsy shop right now.

Anonymous said...

Blood pressure is the reading of the measure of pressure inside your blood vessels at two points, when your heart is beating and when it is relaxed. If the pressure in your vessels gets above normal, or too high, this is called hypertension. High blood pressure is a directly link to your weight. As your weight increases, your blood pressure increases. [Medline Plus] What Can I Eat Sugar is full of 'empty' calories that offer no nutritional value, and rarely satisfies hunger for anything more than a short length of time. Sugar also provides 'highs', similar to those experienced by some drug users, which can lead to irritability and further sugar cravings once the effects have worn off.

photo courtsey of Jamie Perkins

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About Me

Brooklyn, NY
I am a artist living in Brooklyn and currently an artist-in-residence with Chashama at the Brooklyn Army Terminal. I have been working in encaustic for the past few years, but am usually trying out a couple of different art making media at once. Peter Everett once called my work kitch, but I don't think it bothers me.