My paintings and drawings and once in a while a work that I like.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Last But Not Least

With a job loss in our family, a new job, a (seemingly new) child, and new responsibilities, this painting is a marker for me.

Do you ever smell something, or hear a certain song, or eat something and then get a flood of memories? That's what my paintings do for me. As I go through the process of painting I am usually meditating on my life. When I see the paintings I was working on while I was pregnant with Pierson, I recall how weird my body felt and how I was filled with hope and fear. All-in-all this painting marks a change in my life. Whether it's good or bad, only time will tell. But hopefully in 30 years I can see it and breathe a sigh of relief and have a feeling of success.

PS. I promise to stop being so secretive soon.


Chelsea H. Taylor said...

you've beat me to blogging. not hard to do, since it's been three months, but still good job. glad you're at it again- time traveling and all- but don't forget to show us your hooked up rugs.

cherry said...

Yeah kristin stop being so secretive...hehehe...where is your studio located? thanks.

Anonymous said...
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Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

hey kristin, i just sent an email to what is hopefully your email address, but if not, i was wondering if you would do a q&a for my blog, pretty please? if you didn't get the email from me, and your up for the q&a, please email me at info(at), and then i'll reply with the questions. thanks! p.s. i really like this painting...and can't wait to see the hooked rugs, either.

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

that your should have been a you're

Disco Mom said...

2/21/09 - Hi there. Just wondering WHEN you're going to follow-up on the stop-being-so-secretive part. I've been checking back regularly to find out the deal with this post. But then I realized there's no way for you to know that unless I leave a comment. You probably think everyone knows by now. But I don't. Do tell :)

photo courtsey of Jamie Perkins

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About Me

Brooklyn, NY
I am a artist living in Brooklyn and currently an artist-in-residence with Chashama at the Brooklyn Army Terminal. I have been working in encaustic for the past few years, but am usually trying out a couple of different art making media at once. Peter Everett once called my work kitch, but I don't think it bothers me.