My paintings and drawings and once in a while a work that I like.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Guide to Vegas, in the 90s

Lately, almost every time I fall asleep, my dreams bring me back to my life in the 90's. Mostly dreaming of the heat, music, places and friends that I grew up with in Las Vegas. Today I wanted to see if I could scrounge up any pictures of shows and some of my favorite places from the 90's.

The tunnels that stretch under the I15 and the west end of the strip were one of my favorite places to visit and explore.

After 10 years I still crave the vegetarian burrito and Agua de Melon at Los Tacos.

Benway Bop was the place I would go to buy almost all my music.

The first LP I bought at the Underground, shopping for Christmas 1995.

...and the record store i bought it at.

Here is a small collection (those I could find) of some of the shows we would go to. I have a huge collection of show flyers that are hopefully hidden away in a box somewhere.

...and the Huntridge, one of the venues where I would go see bands. (My mom would go to this theatre when she was young to see movies.) We would mostly go to shows at PABCO, the caves, the dry lakebeds, and the wash. All on the outskirts of the valley, unofficial and powered by generators. And, as a young girl, I could always get in without paying the $3 asked. Those were the days.

Last, for now, the empty casinos with lax security that we would occasionally sneak into and play around in. I'm sure this was totally unsafe (as were a lot of the things I did) but it was fun to see old Las Vegas frozen in time.

Just a simple guide, if you plan to visit Vegas in the 90's as a teenager.
Now back to rug hooking and baby growing.


cherry said...

Wow Kristin you have a pretty excting and adventurous life in Vegas! Thanks for sharing. Growing up in a rural area was boring, hehehe, but thought i'd share that i must have really liked playing the piano because that's where my teenage life evolved [plus the crushes...hahaha]

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

sounds like a lot of fun. maybe i can get michael j. fox to take me back in time to hang out with you in vegas in the 90's.

Nicole said...

Reminds me of old times. My first show was at the Huntridge. I absolutely loved that place, but then it shut down and we resorted to the desert shows too! I had a crush on Jake who worked at the Underground. His Dad owned it and he drove a split window micro bus...those were the days. It is funny we never crossed paths in Vegas or maybe we did and we just don't know it!

Karl Bakla said...

It cracked me up to see me in the Ben Way Bop pic, man I am so fat and old now! Thanks for the trip down memory lane... I always thought Maryland had the potential to be happening, but it looks like all of that is going into downtown... it's weird that our college area is a bit of a drag

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photo courtsey of Jamie Perkins

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About Me

Brooklyn, NY
I am a artist living in Brooklyn and currently an artist-in-residence with Chashama at the Brooklyn Army Terminal. I have been working in encaustic for the past few years, but am usually trying out a couple of different art making media at once. Peter Everett once called my work kitch, but I don't think it bothers me.