My paintings and drawings and once in a while a work that I like.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sycamore Street Press

Thanks Eva and Krik for the spotlight!


Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

it was our pleasure.

Disco Mom said...

cool, kristin. i think the hooked rug is a perfect medium for your line drawings. i'd love to see one of that braided hair drawing you posted awhile back. easy for me to say since i know nothing about hooking rugs. or art. but i like you and your family so that counts for something!

photo courtsey of Jamie Perkins

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About Me

Brooklyn, NY
I am a artist living in Brooklyn and currently an artist-in-residence with Chashama at the Brooklyn Army Terminal. I have been working in encaustic for the past few years, but am usually trying out a couple of different art making media at once. Peter Everett once called my work kitch, but I don't think it bothers me.